Thursday, July 29, 2010

Best summer dinner ever

This recipe was given to me by my friend Sara; it's simply amazing, and very versatile. Here's the basic idea, followed by alternatives. I get most of these ingredients fresh from the farmers market each week. So yummy, so easy.

INGREDIENTS: (for 4 people)
Italian Turkey Sausage (optional) - 4
Red, green, or yellow pepper - 2
Yellow Onion - 1
Tomato - 1
Bite-size perogies - 1 package
Salsa - 1/2 a jar or so (use medium or hot, however you like it)
Sour cream (optional)

1. Dice all the veggies, keep onions aside. Boil water for perogies.
2. Heat up a pan for the sausage. (I personally push mine out of the casing - it turns out in nice little crumblies. But you could also just cut into slices if you prefer.)
3. Fry up the sausage. Once cooked, dump in the onions. Make sure you don't forget about your boiling water, stick those perogies in there!
4. Add diced veggies to sausage and onions. Throw the salsa in there & mix around.
5. After frying for 5 mins or so, turn to lower heat & simmer.
6. Once perogies are done, add them to frying pan with other stuff. Add more salsa if you need to. Stir.

Serve with sour cream and a nice green salad. Maybe some crusty fresh bread. Delicious.

- Use bruschetta, tomato sauce, or pasta sauce instead of (or with) salsa. Add herbs/spices for fun!
- Use pasta or sliced potatoes instead of perogies.
- Use whatever root veggies you like!


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